Double Chin Treatment

Trinity’s Total Care for Submental Fat – The Top 2 Treatments

CoolMini™ & Belkyra™

If you have a double chin, there is something that can be done to reduce it. There are 2 ways to reduce chin fat once-and-for-all. 

One is to melt it with cold with CoolMini from CoolSculpting. 

The other is by melting it away with the injectable Belkyra.

Trinity Medispa will help you choose which procedure is best for you.

Get Rid Of Your Double Chin-CoolSculpting®


CoolSculpting Treatment is a unique, non-invasive, fat-reduction procedure that utilizes advanced CoolSculpting technology to deliver safe, precise and effective fat reduction without surgery or downtime with long-term results!


CoolSculpting is a non-invasive and effective way to treat fat under the chin. Under chin fat is stubborn and cannot be targeted by exercise like other areas of the body. This often leads many people to struggle with unwanted chin fat or double chins.

Unlike weight loss, CoolSculpting eliminates fat cells rather than shrinking them in size. If you are struggling to eliminate unwanted fat obtaining CoolSculpting treatment for under the chin iis possibly the solution for your needs.


COOLSCULPTING™ technology safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to effectively and gently destroy fat cells under your chin. These fat cells are frozen, then die. Your body over time will naturally process the fat and remove these dead cells, leaving a sculpted contour beneath your jawline.

Get Rid Of Your Double Chin-BELKYRA™


BELKYRA™, also known as KYBELLA™- injectable FOR DOUBLE CHIN

Belkyra™ (deoxycholic acid) is the first and only injectable treatment in Canada that targets and eliminates fat cells under the chin. Deoxycholic acid is one of the natural chemicals your body uses to break down and absorb fat cells. When a Belkyra™ injectected, it latches onto your unwanted fatty tissue and dissolves its outer cellular membrane, destroying the cell.


Belkyra™ injection for Double Chin

Belkyra is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin. The procedure is best suited for people who are embarrassed by fat under their chin, who do not want to have surgery, and who diet and exercise but still cannot get their stubborn chin fat to go away.

The main active ingredient in Belkyra is synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that assists in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. During the twenty-minute treatment multiple small injections will be injected into the chin fat. These injections destroy the fat cells and results include less fullness under the chin. Patients can have up to six sessions to reach their desired level of success. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they can no longer accumulate or store more fat. Further treatment will not be needed.

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